jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

rules of the game

rules of the game define the posible actions of the players, rules are nonambiguos, inteligible and apply for all players.

No game can be played with interaction of the players

the outcome of the game have to be uncertain, otherwise it loses its appeal

computer game simultaes properties of the real world

rules and representation of a game are not independent but interact with each other

players require clear and inmediate feedback to undestand the relationship between action and outcome

players require a clear goal

conflict and competition are essential for players motivation

the challenge of the game should match the skills of the player (not to easy, not too dificult)

Many computer games are playable without having to read the manual. Instead players learn to play them
hrough trial and error

the players do actiond in the game world and observe how these actions change the state of the game

the player perfomr and hypothesis about the meaning of an objects on the basus of his studies

the game theme has an impact on how the game appeals to different kind of people

the more abstract a game character, the more players will be able to identify with the character

the controls of the characters will hace and impact on the relation beetween the player and the character

select between different characters facilitates strategies to play the game

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